SLUUCI8 November 2023 BQ76905
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Settings | Configuration | I2C Config | H2 | 0x0000 | 0xFFFF | 0x3400 | Hex |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RSVD0_5 | RSVD0_4 | RSVD0_3 | RSVD0_2 | RSVD0_1 | RSVD0_0 | I2CBBTO | CRC |
Description: This register includes configuration settings for the I2C address for the serial communications interface
Bit | Field | Default | Description |
15 | I2CCSLTO | 0 | SCL Short Low Timeout, times out I2C logic if SCL is detected low for ~25ms 0 = Timeout is not enabled (default) 1 = Timeout is enabled |
14 | I2CCSHTO | 0 | SCL Short High Timeout, times out I2C logic if SCL is detected high for duration given by I2CCSHTOT1:0 0 = Timeout is not enabled (default) 1 = Timeout is enabled |
13–12 | I2CCSHTOT_1–I2CCSHTOT_0 | 3 | SCL Short High Timeout Duration 0 = Timeout occurs after 64 ms 1 = Timeout occurs after 512 ms 2 = Timeout occurs after 1 ms 3 = Timeout occurs after 15 ms (default) |
11 | I2CLLTO | 0 | Long Low Timeout, times out I2C logic if SCL or SCL and SDA are detected low for duration given by I2CLLTOT 0 = Timeout occurs if SCL is detected low for duration I2CLLTOT (default) 1 = Timeout occurs if both SCL and SDA are detected low for duration I2CLLTOT |
10–8 | I2CLLTOT_2–I2CLLTOT_0 | 4 | Long Low Timeout Duration 0 = Timeout is disabled 1 = Timeout occurs after 0.5 seconds 2 = Timeout occurs after 1 seconds 3 = Timeout occurs after 1.5 seconds 4 = Timeout occurs after 2 seconds (default) 5 = Timeout occurs after 2.5 seconds 6 = Timeout occurs after 3 seconds 7 = Timeout occurs after 3.5 seconds |
1 | I2CBBTO | 0 | I2C Bus Busy Timeout, times out I2C logic if a transaction is detected longer than the duration given by I2CLLTOT2:0 0 = Timeout is not enabled (default) 1 = Timeout is enabled |
0 | CRC | 0 | Controls whether the I2C serial communications interface uses CRC. 0 = CRC is not used (default) 1 = CRC is enabled |