Connect external temperature sensor to GPIOs using a voltage
divider network.
GPIO pins used for temperature measurement must have a pullup
resistor to TSREF equivalent to the resistance of the NTC at nominal
temperature. Each input must also have a 1-kΩ resistor and 1-µF capacitor.
GPIO pins with signals connecting from off-board must use a
zener diode clamp.
DC voltage readings need a 1-kΩ resistor and 1-µF
To use GPIOs in SPI mode, use GPIO4 - GPIO7. Unused GPIOs must
be pulled low to GND.
GPIO pins are all programmed as inputs with a weak pulldown,
leaving the inputs floating. The pins must not be allowed to remain as floating
inputs. Reprogram the pins to become outputs or add a pulldown resistor.
The BQ79616-Q1 can support 8 NTC thermistors with SPI slave
device using 4 channel 2:1 switch and this configuration has no impact to
temperature measurement diagnostic.