SLVAFL1 October   2024 TPS25751 , TPS26750


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
  5. 2EEPROM Boot Flow
    1. 2.1 Boot Process
    2. 2.2 Updating the EEPROM Image
    3. 2.3 Commands
    4. 2.4 EEPROM Update Example
  6. 3Source Code Example
    1. 3.1 UpdateRegionOfEeprom()
    2. 3.2 UpdateRegionOfEeprom_Step1
    3. 3.3 UpdateRegionOfEeprom_Step2()
    4. 3.4 UpdatingRegionOfEeprom_Step3()
    5. 3.5 UpdatingRegionOfEeprom_Step4()
    6. 3.6 WriteRegionPointer()
  7. 4Recovering From EEPROM Failure
  8. 5Summary
  9. 6References


The TPS25751 and TPS26750 is a highly integrated stand-alone USB Type-C® and Power Delivery (PD) controller optimized for applications supporting USB-C PD Power. The PD Controller application binary can be pushed over I2C to the PD controller using the I2Ct port, or the PD controller can read from an external EEPROM at target address 0x50 on the I2Cc port. When the host must update the Patch Bundle used for booting, the host must follow a particular process. The EEPROM-update process uses 4CC ASCII commands to enable the host to download the patch bundle onto the external EEPROM.