SLVAFM4 may   2023 TPS7H1111-SEP , TPS7H1111-SP


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This application brief provides a Failure Mode Analysis (FMA) for the pins of the TPS7H1111-SP ultra-low noise, high PSRR, LDO. The failure conditions covered in this document include the typical pin-by-pin failure scenarios:

  • Pin short-circuited to ground (see Table 1)
  • Pin short-circuited to VIN supply (see Table 2)
  • Pin short-circuited to VOUT supply (see Table 3)
  • Pin open-circuited (see Table 4)
  • Pin short-circuited to an adjacent pin (see Table 5)

In the tables below, damage means there is a possibility of immediate device damage, gradual device damage, or lifetime reductions. It only encompasses damage of the device itself, not upstream or downstream components. Functional means the device as a whole behaves as described in the data sheet (although this does not necessarily mean the device is regulating). This analysis was considered for the schematic shown in Figure 3 with a resistive 0.5-A load. See comments in the tables below for details on each situation.

This analysis was considered primarily for the ceramic HBL 14-pin package of the TPS7H1111-SP device. However, most results are also applicable for the plastic PWP 28-pin package of the TPS7H1111-SP and TPS7H1111-SEP devices.

Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the TPS7H1111-SP pin diagrams for the CFP and HTSSOP packages. For a detailed description of the device pins, see the Pin Configuration and Functions section in the TPS7H1111-SP data sheet.

GUID-20230509-SS0I-GDZG-GNX4-MXQTG1SKFVZX-low.svg Figure 1 Pin Diagram (CFP) Package
GUID-20230509-SS0I-8B5W-GLXL-CMQV9GCLVCXC-low.svg Figure 2 Pin Diagram (HTSSOP) Package
HBL Package PWP Package
14-Pin CFP 28-Pin HTSSOP
Top View Top View
GUID-20230509-SS0I-GDZG-GNX4-MXQTG1SKFVZX-low.svg GUID-20230509-SS0I-8B5W-GLXL-CMQV9GCLVCXC-low.svg
GUID-20230509-SS0I-MCXF-3Z9K-HDG9NDFTPNHJ-low.svg Figure 3 Device Schematic for Pin FEA
Table 1 Pin Short-Circuited to Ground
Pin Name Pin No. Damage Functional Description of Potential Failure Effects
BIAS 1 No Yes Device turns off (enters UVLO).
EN 2 No Yes Device turns off (disabled).
IN 3 Yes Yes If both IN pins are shorted, the device is below internal UVLO and therefore turns off. If only one is shorted there will be a potentially damaging overcurrent event between the two pins.
IN 4 Yes Yes
CLM 5 No Yes Normal operation – device configured for turn-off current limit mode. If CLM was previously connected directly to VIN when the short to ground occurs, a short circuit could result, potentially causing damage. As the schematic shows a 10 kΩ pull-up to VIN, damage is not expected.
PG 7 No Yes Pin remains at 0 V since it is an open-drain pin and doesn’t have an internal pull-up voltage.
REF 8 Yes No An overcurrent event occurs on the REF pin that could cause damage. Additionally, this may cause improper biasing in other circuits which could cause other failures.
SS_SET 9 No Yes Device regulates to 0 V output. If FB_PG falls below VFB_PG(rising) – VFB_PG(HYS), the 2-mA current will turn-on and flow out of this SS_SET pin.
STAB 10 No No The pass element turns-on which could cause entering of current limit or the output to rise above the programmed SS_SET value. While device damage isn’t expected, downstream circuitry may be damaged. Damage would be expected if this short occurred while the device was powered but disabled as STAB is internally driven high. This would cause excessive current on STAB which may cause damage.
OUT 11 Yes Yes Short circuit protection activated to prevent immediate damage; not intended for prolonged operation.
OUT 12 Yes Yes
OUTS 13 Yes Yes The device senses 0 V on the output and therefore will regulate to the maximum voltage possible. However, this 0 V on OUTS causes improper internal biasing which may cause unexpected voltage stresses which may cause damage over time. Additionally, since OUTS is externally connected to OUT, this could cause a high current path externally, potentially causing external damage.
FB_PG 14 Yes Yes Device enters soft start mode and outputs 2 mA on the SS_SET pin which causes a higher output voltage. The device itself will be fine unless it reaches current limit and remains in constant current limit for a prolonged period of time.
Table 2 Pin Short-Circuited to VIN
Pin Name Pin No. Damage Functional Description of Potential Failure Effects
1 BIAS Yes Yes If VBIAS is higher than VIN then the device may stop properly regulating since the proper bias voltage isn’t supplied. If VIN is an acceptable bias supply then the device may continue operating properly. If VBIAS is higher than 7 V, the IN pins are overstressed and damage occurs.
2 EN No Yes Device turns on.
3 IN N/A N/A N/A
4 IN N/A N/A
5 CLM No Yes Normal operation – the device is configured for brick-wall current limit mode. If CLM was previously connected directly to GND when the short to VIN occurs, a short circuit could result, potentially causing damage. If the CLM was pulled-down to GND through a 10 kΩ pull-down to GND, damage is not expected.
6 GND Yes No Improper grounding could cause damage to various internal circuits.
7 PG Yes Yes If PG is asserted and it’s directly shorted to VIN an excessive amount of current will flow through this pin causing damage.
8 REF Yes No Current flows into REF which damages the device and stops proper regulation.
9 SS_SET Yes No Current flows into SS_SET which damages the device and stops proper regulation
10 STAB Yes No The pass element turns-off. However, excessive current on STAB may cause damage.
11 OUT Yes Yes Device stops regulation as the control loop senses the output is too high and turns-off the pass element. However, this causes improper internal error amplifier biasing which may cause unexpected voltage stresses which cause damage over time.
12 OUT Yes Yes
13 OUTS Yes Yes Device stops regulation as the control loop senses the output is too high and turns-off the pass element. However, this causes improper internal error amplifier biasing which may cause unexpected voltage stresses which cause damage over time.
14 FB_PG Yes No If VIN > 6 V, this exceeds the recommended operating conditions leading to improper internal biasing which could cause functional failures. If VIN < 6 V, the device is unable to enter soft start mode and PG is always asserted; otherwise operation proceeds as normal. The lack of soft start may result in current limit being reached during startup.
Table 3 Pin Short-Circuited to VOUT
Pin Name Pin No. Damage Functional Description of Potential Failure Effects
1 BIAS Yes No The device stops regulating or reduces output voltage as there is not enough VBIAS to VOUT headroom. If VBIAS is above 7 V, it will cause improper overvoltage within the error amplifier which causes damage.
2 EN No Yes As long as VOUT is above the VEN(rising) threshold it stays on and continues regulating, otherwise the device turns off.
3 IN Yes Yes The device stops regulation as VOUT rises to VIN and the control loop senses the output is too high and turns-off the pass element. However, this causes improper internal error amplifier biasing which may cause unexpected voltage stresses which cause damage over time.
4 IN Yes Yes
5 CLM Yes No The current limit mode is not well controlled since it changes with output voltage. This can lead to excess VIN current from input buffer shoot-through.
6 GND Yes No Causes current limit on VOUT. The device is not intended to remain in constant current limit for a prolonged period of time. Additionally, if the GND pin is no longer the system ground, the improper grounding could cause damage to various internal circuits.
7 PG Yes Yes If PG is asserted and it’s directly shorted to VOUT, an excessive amount of current will flow through this pin.
8 REF Yes No Current flows into or out of REF which damages the device and stops proper regulation
9 SS_SET Yes No Since VSS_SET is nominally equal to VOUT there is no immediate damage as long as SS_SET is able to continue sourcing its current; however, there could be a complicated interaction causing too high of an output voltage or an attempt to sink current through the OUT pin causing damage.
10 STAB No No When enabled, the pass element turns mostly-off. When disabled, forcing STAB to 0 V will cause higher VBIAS current to flow, which could cause damage.
11 OUT N/A N/A N/A
12 OUT N/A N/A
13 OUTS No Yes Nominal operation.
14 FB_PG No Yes When VOUT rises above the VFB_PG(rising) threshold, PG is asserted and the fast-start current turns off (resulting in a longer startup time).
Table 4 Pin Open Circuited
Pin Name Pin No. Damage Functional Description of Potential Failure Effects
BIAS 1 No No Device stops regulating as there is no VBIAS voltage.
EN 2 No No Device may oscillate on and off.
IN 3 Yes Yes If only one pin is floating then current will go through the other pin causing the current of the individual pin to be too large, eventually causing damage.
IN 4 Yes Yes
CLM 5 Yes No The current limit mode is not well controlled. Additionally, an undefined voltage on the CLM input buffer will cause additional VIN shoot-through current to flow, which could damage the device.
GND 6 Yes No Improper biasing is expected to cause oscillations with large current spikes.
PG 7 No No PG will work when pulled-down but since it’s an open drain it cannot go high and will be in an unknown state.
REF 8 No No The reference current will not be created and therefore the part will output 0 V when attempting to regulate.
SS_SET 9 Yes No A 100 µA will attempt to be forced out of this pin causing it to reach a high voltage. This may result in improper internal error amp biasing, causing overvoltage failures.
STAB 10 No Yes The control loop response will be different with potentially worse phase margin, but the part is still operational.
OUT 11 Yes Yes If only one pin is floating then current will go through the other pin causing the current of the individual pin to be too large, eventually causing damage.
OUT 12 Yes Yes
OUTS 13 Yes No The device will not know what voltage to regulate to and will likely oscillate, potentially causing damage.
FB_PG 14 Yes No Device fast start current will oscillate, potentially causing damage.
Table 5 Pin Short-Circuited to Adjacent Pin Circuited
Pin Name Pin No. Short to Pin No. Short to Pin Name Damage Functional COMMENTS
BIAS 1 2 EN Yes Yes Depending on the bias supply voltage, the device will be turned on or turned off. If the bias voltage is over 7 V, the EN pin is overstressed.
EN 2 3 IN No Yes Depending on the input supply voltage, the device will be turned-on or turned-off.
IN 3 4 IN No Yes Normal operation
IN 4 5 CLM No Yes Normal operation – the device is configured for brick-wall current limit mode. If CLM was previously connected directly to GND when the short to VIN occurs, a short circuit could result, potentially causing damage. If the CLM was pulled-down to GND through a 10 kΩ pull-down to GND, damage is not expected.
CLM 5 6 GND No Yes Normal operation – device configured for turn-off current limit mode. If CLM was previously connected directly to VIN when the short to ground occurs, a short circuit could result, potentially causing damage. As the schematic shows a 10 kΩ pull-up to VIN, damage is not expected.
GND 6 7 PG No Yes PG remains at 0 V since it’s an open drain and doesn’t have an internal pull-up voltage.
REF 8 9 SS_SET Yes No The VREF voltage will be unstable since it cannot handle large output capacitance and SS_SET will always be 1.2 V. This control loop instability may cause damage.
SS_SET 9 10 STAB Yes No The STAB voltage will rise as it is charged by the SS_SET pin current source. This causes the pass element to slowly turn-off. However, the SS_SET and OUT voltages will be unstable since STAB components are impacted by the RC of SS_SET. This may cause improper overvoltage within the internal error amplifier, causing damage.
STAB 10 11 OUT No No When enabled, the pass element turns partially-off. When disabled, forcing STAB to 0 V will cause higher VBIAS current to flow, which could cause damage.
OUT 11 12 OUT No Yes Normal operation.
OUT 12 13 OUTS No Yes Normal operation.
OUTS 13 14 FB_PG No Yes Since OUTS is connected to OUT, when VOUT rises above the VFB_PG(rising) threshold, PG is asserted and the fast-start current turns off (resulting in a longer startup time).