SLVUC28 August   2022 TPS544C26


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 Description
    2. 1.2 Before You Begin
  4. 2Performance Characteristics
  5. 3Test Point Descriptions
  6. 4Test Setup
  7. 5Fusion I2C Device GUI
    1. 5.1 Opening the I2C Device GUI
    2. 5.2 On and Off Control OPERATION (01h) and ON_OFF_CONFIG (02h)
    3. 5.3 Changing SYS_CONFIG1 (A0h)
    4. 5.4 Changing the Output Voltage
    5. 5.5 Exporting and Importing Configurations
    6. 5.6 Store to and Restore from NVM
  8. 6Schematics
  9. 7PCB Layout
  10. 8BOM

Exporting and Importing Configurations


A device configuration can be exported and saved by going to File then Save As to save a tii2c file or File then Export to save a script in csv format to program another device. When exporting a csv script, the window shown in Figure 5-8 opens up to select different export options for the script.

GUID-20210329-CA0I-FQRP-ZPTJ-0MJZJHXMMFHL-low.png Figure 5-8 Exporting a csv Script from the GUI


A device configuration can imported by going to File then Import. Disable switching when importing a file because some registers require switching to be disabled for the TPS544C26 to ACK or to be updated.

When importing a file, switching can be enabled during the import process if OPERATION or ON_OFF_CONFIG is being updated. This action can result in a NACK from the TPS544C26 or registers not being updated. To avoid this event when importing a tii2c file, writes to OPERATION and ON_OFF_CONFIG can simply be skipped as shown in Figure 5-9. To avoid this event when importing a csv script, either ensure the exported script has OPERATION and ON_OFF_CONFIG settings which keep switching disabled or modify the script to move these updates to the end.

GUID-20210329-CA0I-HFLH-83KK-KRST0C4SMLJF-low.png Figure 5-9 Importing tii2c File to the GUI