SLVUC77 June 2021 DRV8770
The DRV8770EVM is a complete solution for evaluating the DRV8770 gate driver. This EVM can be used to evaluate all of the features of the DRV8770. The EVM includes an on-board MCU which is used to provide the necessary logic signals to the DRV8770 in order to drive the external H-bridge FETs. The logic signals (INHA, INLA, INHB, and INLB) come from the MCU can the duty cycle can be adjusted via potentiometers on the board.
The DRV8770 can drive an H-bridge with power supply up to 100 V. For voltages above 50-V, proper high voltage safety procedures should be taken.
To expand beyond the included firmware capability, the MSP430 MCU can be reprogrammed through the eZ-FETâ„¢ emulation circuit found in most MSP430 Launchpads. We recommend the MSP-EXP430FR5969. Note that a four pin angled male header is required and must be soldered to J21 of this Launchpad from V+ pin to GND pin. We recommend a pin header with pin dimensions similar to 850-10-050-20-001000 (Digikey part number). The U1 MCU must be removed from the Launchpad.