SLVUCM3 july 2023 AM62A1-Q1 , AM62A3 , AM62A3-Q1 , AM62A7 , AM62A7-Q1 , TPS6593-Q1
Entering the LP_STANDBY hardware state follows the same power-down sequence as entering STANDBY. Exiting LP_STANDBY is different and requires different initializations before entering LP_STANDBY.
When entering LP_STANDBY, the PFSM automatically transitions to the hardware FSM state of SAFE_RECOVERY. From the SAFE_RECOVERY state, the recovery counter is incremented and compared to the recovery count threshold (see RECOV_CNT_REG_2, in Table 5-10). If the recovery count threshold is reached, then the PMICs halt recovery attempts and require a power cycle. Refer to the data sheet for more details.
Write 0x48:0xC3:0x08:0xF7 // LP_STANDBY_SEL=1
Write 0x48:0xC3:0x60;0x9F // Set the STARTUP_DEST=ACTIVE
Write 0x48:0x85:0x01:0xFE // set I2C_0 trigger