SLVUCM3 july 2023 AM62A1-Q1 , AM62A3 , AM62A3-Q1 , AM62A7 , AM62A7-Q1 , TPS6593-Q1
The PDN described in this user's guide was designed for 3.3V input supply. However the TPS65931211-Q1 NVM also supports 5V input supply. The default NVM settings on TPS65931211-Q1 have the UV/OV disabled on VCCA so PMIC can use either voltage (3.3V or 5V). If 5V supply is used, then a 3.3V discrete Buck is required for the 3.3V IO domain instead of a power switch. The external 3.3V Buck can be enabled by GPIO4 and needs to ramp from 0V to 3.3V within the 10ms delay that was assigned to GPIO4 in the any2active sequence.
LDO1 is configured as “bypass” and requires a 3.3V supply. This LDO can be supplied by the output of the discrete 3.3V regulator. TI also recommends supplying the remaining LDOs (LDO3 and LDO4) with the discrete 3.3V regulator to reduce power dissipation. VIO_IN must be supplied by 3.3V as well.
When using 5V instead of 3.3V, the voltage from the pre-regulator cannot be directly connected to VDDSHV_CANUART. In this case, VDDSHV_CANUART can be supplied by the same discrete 3.3 V Buck that supplies the remaining 3.3 V signals on the processor.