SLVUCP8 September 2024 TPS26750
For standalone PD evaluation, the main power supply for the TPS26750EVM is through either the Type-C sink-only Power port (J3), which accepts up to 100W Type-C PD source (5V to 20V) or the XT30 connector on the top of the board (J8). The EVM can be powered on from an external bench supply connected to HV_SYS (J1), with the bench supply providing power in the 5V-48V range. Connector J1 supports up to 48V at 10A.
Additionally, the TPS26750EVM can be powered directly through the DUT (Device Under Test) Type-C connector (J4) to simulate powering the TPS26750 in a dead battery scenario. When the TPS26750EVM is powered only through port J4, the EVM acts as a sink only.
For battery charging applications, the BQ25756EVM can be used to power on the TPS26750EVM. The TPS26750EVM comes with an interfacing board (TPS26750EVM to BQ25756EVM connector board) to connect to the J1 and J7 connector on the TPS26750EVM. If the BQ25756EVM is connected, then the VAC net of the BQ25756EVM is connected to the high-voltage bidirectional power path (PPHV) of the TPS26750EVM. For more information on setting up and programming TPS26750 for battery charger application, refer to Section 4.2.