SNLU342 December 2023 MCT8315Z
The hardware required to run a motor is the MCT8315ZEVM, a micro-USB cable, and a power supply with a DC output from 4.5 V to 35 V. Follow these steps to start up the MCT8315ZEVM:
If using the MCT8315ZH or MCT8315ZT, populate the desired resistor settings in the “HW Variant Resistors” silk screen box, see Table 3-4. If using the MCT8315ZR populate the resistors R13-R16 in the "Pop. If SPI" silk screen box.
If using the MCT8315ZEVM with an external microcontroller, remove all shunt jumpers from jumper bridge J6. Connect with external jumpers to the left side of the jumper bridge from the external MCU.