SNVSC77 December 2024 LM5125-Q1
The device supports bypass mode, forced PWM (FPWM) and diode emulation mode (DEM) operation. The mode can be changed on the fly and is set by the MODE-pin. Bypass mode is automatically activated for VOUT < VI. In dual-device stacked operation both devices must use the same mode.
The device operation mode is set to DEM for VMODE < 0.4V and to FPWM for VMODE > 1.2V .
Operation Mode | MODE-pin |
DEM | VMODE < 0.4V |
FPWM | VMODE > 1.2V |
Details about the different operation modes are described in table Operation Modes.
Operation Mode | Description |
BYPASS | VI is connected to VOUT (no regulation) while current flow from VOUT to VI is prevented for DEM selection and limited to VNCLTH for FPWM selection. |
DEM | Current flow from VOUT to VI is prevented. The SW-pin voltage is monitored during the high-side on time and the high-side switch is turned off when the voltage falls below the zero current detection threshold VZCD. This improves light load efficiency. |
FPWM | Converter keeps switching also for light load with fixed frequency in continuous conduction mode (CCM) for best light load transient response. |
The device enters and exits Bypass mode when the conditions in table Bypass Mode Entry, Exit are met.
Operation Mode | Bypass | Conditions |
DEM / FPWM | Entry | VOUT < VI − 100mV and VCOMP < VCOMP-MIN + 100mV |
100mV || ((VCSP1 − VCSN1) < VZCD_BYP || (VCSP2 − VCSN2) < VZCD_BYP) |
100mV || ((VCSP1 − VCSN1) < VNCLTH || (VCSP2 − VCSN2) < VNCLTH) |