SPNU151W January 1998 – March 2023 66AK2E05 , 66AK2H06 , 66AK2H12 , 66AK2H14 , AM1705 , AM1707 , AM1802 , AM1806 , AM1808 , AM1810 , AM5K2E04 , OMAP-L132 , OMAP-L137 , OMAP-L138 , SM470R1B1M-HT , TMS470R1A288 , TMS470R1A384 , TMS470R1A64 , TMS470R1B1M , TMS470R1B512 , TMS470R1B768
In ANSI C, global and static variables that are not explicitly initialized must be set to 0 before program execution. The C/C++ compiler supports preinitialization of uninitialized variables by default. This can be turned off by specifying the linker option --zero_init=off.
Zero initialization takes place only if the --rom_model linker option, which causes autoinitialization to occur, is used. If you use the --ram_model option for linking, the linker does not generate initialization records, and the loader must handle both data and zero initialization.