SPRACY5 July 2021 AM67 , AM67 , AM67A , AM67A , AM68 , AM68 , AM68A , AM68A , AM69 , AM69 , AM69A , AM69A , DRA821U , DRA821U , DRA821U-Q1 , DRA821U-Q1 , DRA829J , DRA829J , DRA829J-Q1 , DRA829J-Q1 , DRA829V , DRA829V , DRA829V-Q1 , DRA829V-Q1 , TDA4AEN-Q1 , TDA4AEN-Q1 , TDA4AH-Q1 , TDA4AH-Q1 , TDA4AL-Q1 , TDA4AL-Q1 , TDA4AP-Q1 , TDA4AP-Q1 , TDA4APE-Q1 , TDA4APE-Q1 , TDA4VE-Q1 , TDA4VE-Q1 , TDA4VEN-Q1 , TDA4VEN-Q1 , TDA4VH-Q1 , TDA4VH-Q1 , TDA4VL-Q1 , TDA4VL-Q1 , TDA4VM , TDA4VM , TDA4VM-Q1 , TDA4VM-Q1 , TDA4VP-Q1 , TDA4VP-Q1 , TDA4VPE-Q1 , TDA4VPE-Q1
Follow the instructions below to create a tiny file system image (tisdk-tiny-image.img) from the tisdk-tiny-image-j7-evm.tar.xs.
# Below code needs to run on the HOST machine
# Create an empty image file, seek value will create an image of that size. Typically 100MB should be enough.
# Size will should be slightly greater than size of untarred tisdk-tiny-image-j7-evm.tar.xz + size (DTBs + Kernel image)
dd if=/dev/null of=tisdk-tiny-image.img bs=1M seek=100
# Add a filesystem to it
mkfs.ext4 -F tisdk-tiny-image.img
# Mount it on your local machine to copy DTB and Kernel image
mkdir example_mnt_pt
sudo mount -t ext4 -o loop tisdk-tiny-image.img /home/karan/yocto-build/example_mnt_pt
# Untar tisdk-tiny-image-j7-evm.tar.xz on the mounted file system which is currently empty
cd example_mnt_pt
sudo tar xvf ../tisdk-tiny-image-j7-evm.tar.xz
# Copy DTB, DTBOs and Kernel Image for your platform
sudo cp /media/karan/rootfs/boot/Image* ./boot
sudo cp /media/karan/rootfs/boot/*dtb* ./boot
# Unmount the image, now the tisdk-tiny-image.img is ready
cd ../
sudo umount /home/karan/yocto-build/example_mnt_pt