SPRAD20 March 2022 AM2631 , AM2631-Q1 , AM2632 , AM2632-Q1 , AM2634 , AM2634-Q1
A overview of SDK resources is summarized in Table 3-1. More details can be found in "README_FIRST_AM263X.html" under the SDK installation directory. By default, the directory is at a path like "C:\ti\mcu_plus_sdk_am263x_xx_xx_xx_xx". The "examples/" folder is the most important one for beginners. It includes examples matching AM24 for connectivity and C28 examples for control. In most cases, "Ctrl+left click" in CCS guides user to the API declaration headers. Due to the inheritance from C28 and AM24, control API headers includes both declaration and definition as static inline while connectivity API headers only shows declaration. And, the connectivity API definition must be found in source file. Both header and source files are kept in "source/" folder. If CCS can't reach the desired details, there is a good chance that the details stay in one of source files inside the "source/". Another approach is to look into "API Reference" of "README_FIRST_AM263X.html".
Folder/Files | Description |
README_FIRST_AM263X.html | Open this file in a web browser to reach SDK user guide |
makefile | Top level makefile to build the whole SDK using "make" |
imports.mak | Top level makefile to list paths to dependent tools |
docs/ | Offline HTML documentation |
examples/ | Example applications for AM263X, across multiple boards, CPUs, NO-RTOS, RTOS |
source/ | Device drivers, middleware libraries and APIs |
tools/ | Tools and utilities like CCS loading scripts, initialization scripts. |
${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/source/ | |
board/ | Board peripheral device drivers |
drivers/ | SOC peripheral device drivers |
industrial_comms/ | Industrial Communication Protocol stacks and Industrial Protocol FW HAL(Firmware and Hardware Abstraction Layer) |
kernel/ | NO RTOS and RTOS kernel and Driver Porting layer (DPL) for these environments |
${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/examples/ | |
drivers/ | SOC and board focused device driver examples. The examples are based on both NO-RTOS and RTOS. |
empty/ | Template projects to copy into workspace and customize based on application needs |
industrial_comms/ | Example for EtherCAT Slave |