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This application note presents AM2634 benchmarks obtained from a demo of the traction inverter framework, AM263x for Traction Inverters. The document also discusses typical application scenarios based on the benchmarks. The goal is to help users understand the performance of AM2634 in traction inverters.
System resources and diagram are presented in Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 for the following discussion. AM2634 is operated at 400 MHz core frequency and 200 MHz peripheral frequency, the program is compiled with TI Clang v1.3.0.LTS and O3 optimization for the best processing time, and the Field Oriented Control Interrupt Service Routine (FOC ISR) is assigned to FIQ of ARM Cortex R5F in order to achieve low latency. The performance of FOC ISR, FOC Run triggered by ADC INT1 in Figure 1-2, is the focus of the following discussion.