Two CCS projects are available in
C2000ware to test this CLB example. The path to the TDM projects are:
- <C2000WARE_INSTALL>/driverlib/f28002x/examples/clb
- <C2000WARE_INSTALL>/driverlib/f2838x/examples/c28x/mcbsp
The following software packages are
required to build and run the software:
First, setup the F280025C by following
these steps in CCS:
- In the CCS menu, click 'Project
-> Import CCS Projects...'.
- Enter the path to the CLB example
projects in the ‘Select search-directory’.
- Path:
- Click ‘Refresh’.
- Select the
‘clb_ex31_tdm_serial_port’ project.
- Check ‘Copy projects into
- Click 'Finish' to complete
importing the project into the workspace.
Optional: Click 'Project
-> Build Configurations -> Set Active -> CPU1_FLASH' to build the
code for flash execution. Set the TMDSCNCD280025C controlCARD to boot from flash (see the TMS320F28388D controlCARD Information
- In the CCS menu, click 'Project
-> Build Project' to build the example project.
- Click 'Run -> Debug' to load
the executable to the F280025C target device.
- Lastly, click 'Run -> Resume'
in the CCS Debug perspective to run the code.
Second, setup the F28388D to generate
the test TDM stream by following these steps in CCS:
- In the CCS menu, click 'Project
-> Import CCS Projects...'.
- Enter the path to the McBSP
example projects in the ‘Select search-directory’.
- Path:
- Click ‘Refresh’.
- Select the
‘mcbsp_ex7_tdm8_test’ project.
- Check ‘Copy projects into
- Click 'Finish' to complete
importing the project into the workspace.
- Optional: Click 'Project
-> Build Configurations -> Set Active -> CPU1_FLASH' to build
the code for flash execution. Set the TMDSCNCD28388D controlCARD to boot from flash (see
controlCARD user's guide).
- In the CCS menu, click 'Project
-> Build Project' to build the example project.
- Click 'Run -> Debug' to load
the executable to the F28388D target device.
- Optional: Add the
following global variables to the Expressions window: txData, rxData,
testWordDetected, and errCountGlobal.
- Lastly, click 'Run -> Resume'
in the CCS Debug perspective to run the code.