SPRADB2 august   2023 AM2431 , AM2432 , AM2434 , AM2631 , AM2631-Q1 , AM2632 , AM2632-Q1 , AM2634 , AM2634-Q1 , AM263P2 , AM263P4 , AM263P4-Q1 , AM2732 , AM2732-Q1 , AM6411 , AM6412 , AM6421 , AM6422 , AM6441 , AM6442


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 Acronyms Used in This Document
  5. 2MbedTLS
    1. 2.1 What is MbedTLS?
    2. 2.2 Why MbedTLS?
    3. 2.3 Application of MbedTLS
  6. 3MbedTLS Over Lwip
    1. 3.1 TLS Server Example (HTTPS Server)
    2. 3.2 TLS Client Example (MQTT Client)

Application of MbedTLS

With MbedTLS, we add security over open world networking on TI devices. MbedTLS can be used wherever a TLS gap needs to be fulfilled as a part of networking. MbedTLS can be used to operate the device as TLS entities (Client or Server). On a broader note, from application point of view, MbedTLS functionality can be utilized in Firmware Over The Air (FOTA) updates. Other potential applications can include Remote Diagnostics, Vehicle health monitoring, Secure Shell and Secure Logging, Secure Information and Event Management, and so forth. MbedTLS is a potential use case in integration of OpenVPN.