SPRADF7A November   2023  – February 2025 AM623 , AM625 , AM62P , AM68A , AM69A


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
  5. 2Display Parallel Interface
  6. 3Display Serial Interface
  7. 4OpenLDI/Low Voltage Differential Signaling
  8. 5Embedded Display Port
  9. 6Summary
  10. 7References
  11. 8Revision History


The choice between DPI, DSI, OLDI/LVDS, and eDP interfaces depends on the specific requirements of a given application. DPI is simple and low-cost, great for lower resolutions but requires more connections. DSI provides power efficiency and reduced pin count, an excellent choice for portable devices, but panel choice is limited compared to DPI and OLDI/LVDS. OLDI/LVDS allows for long cable lengths and robust data transmission but requires more power and connections compared to DSI. eDP offers high efficiency and high-resolution support, making the interface a good fit for embedded systems that require high-quality displays. By understanding these interfaces, designers can select the most appropriate interface for display systems.

Table 6-1 Supported Display Interfaces
AM62Lx x x
AM62x x x
AM62Ax x x x
AM62Px x
AM64x x x x x
AM67x x
Table 6-2 Technical Specifications Overview
Display Interface Number of Pins Max Bandwidth Applications Clock
8 bits/color
4x clock
24 bits x 165MHz = 3.96GB/Sec Low resolution display systems Max clock at 165MHz
LVDS Single link: 4x Data/1x Clock
Dual link: 8x Data/2x Clock
6 x 165MHz x 2 = 1.98 GB/Sec; Up to 3.125 GB/Sec High resolution displays and industrial applications Max clock at 165MHz
DSI 4 data pairs and 1 clock pair 4 x 1.5 GB/Sec = 6 GB/Sec Appliances and medical Max clock 165MHz
eDP Up to 4 data pairs Up to 4 x 8.1 Gbps = 32.4 Gbps High resolution display and industrial applications Max clock 600MHz
Table 6-3 Max Resolution
Device Max Resolution
AM62Lx 1920x1080p at 60FPS
AM62x 2048x1080p at 60FPS
AM62Ax 2048x1080p at 60FPS
AM62Px 3840x1080p at 60FPS
AM64x N/A
AM67x 3840x1080p at 60FPS
AM68Ax 4K at 60FPS
AM69x 4K at 60FPS
AM69Ax 4K at 60FPS