SPRADG5 January   2024 AM67 , AM67A , AM68 , AM68A , AM69 , AM69A , DRA821U , DRA821U-Q1 , DRA829J , DRA829J-Q1 , DRA829V , DRA829V-Q1 , TDA4AEN-Q1 , TDA4AH-Q1 , TDA4AL-Q1 , TDA4AP-Q1 , TDA4APE-Q1 , TDA4VE-Q1 , TDA4VEN-Q1 , TDA4VH-Q1 , TDA4VL-Q1 , TDA4VM , TDA4VM-Q1 , TDA4VP-Q1 , TDA4VPE-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1UART Introduction
    1. 1.1 Jacinto 7 UART Overview
    2. 1.2 Jacinto 7 UART Features
    3. 1.3 Jacinto 7 UART Functional Introduction
  5. 2UART Usage Overview
    1. 2.1 WKUP_UART0 Usage
    2. 2.2 MCU_UART0 Usage
    3. 2.3 MAIN_UARTx Usage
  6. 3Log Level Design on Software Module
  7. 4Change UART Instance
    1. 4.1 Change MAIN_UARTx for MAIN Domain
    2. 4.2 Set Standalone UART Port for DSP/MCU
  8. 5Summary
  9. 6References

Jacinto 7 UART Functional Introduction

Figure 1-1 shows the Jacinto 7 UART functional block diagram. When the processor needs to send data, it only needs to write the output data into the FIFO through CPU/DMA. Then, the data is automatically transmitted to TX pin by UART_THR register and converted into TTL level. The data transmission is completed if the UART_THR register is empty. During the data receiving process, the TTL level is firstly converted into bit data through the pin, and is written to the FIFO by UART_RHR. When the FIFO reaches a threshold (maximum 64 Bytes), a CPU/DMA interrupt will be triggered to write the data to the memory. When enough data is read and the data in the FIFO is lower than the threshold, the interrupt condition disappears and the data receiving is finished.

GUID-CB509A88-3468-47CA-80E3-9E7965FA6A3C-low.png Figure 1-1 UART Functional Block Diagram