SPRADI9 June   2024 AM623 , AM625


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
  5. 2Design-Based Approach
  6. 3Background
    1. 3.1 Process Delivery Kit (PDK)
    2. 3.2 SPICE Models for Circuit Behavior
    3. 3.3 Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Tools
    4. 3.4 Package Reliability
  7. 4Comparison of Design-Based Approach vs. HTOL Approach
  8. 5AM625/623 Lifetime Reliability Analysis Results
  9. 6Conclusion
  10. 7Revision History
  11.   A Appendix – The HTOL-Based Approach
  12.   B Appendix – The Mathematic Basis for EM Reliability Estimates


This application note summarizes the Power-on Hours (POH) achievable on AM625 / AM623 family of processors. The application notes provides an overview of the intrinsic reliability capabilities and applied methodologies of the AM62x ARM based processors family