SPRSP93 November 2024 F29H850TU , F29H859TU-Q1
The strength of a controller is not measured purely in processor speed, but in total system capabilities. As a part of the equation, any time the CPU bandwidth for a given function can be reduced, the greater the system capabilities. Many times applications spend a significant amount of their bandwidth moving data, whether moving data from off-chip memory to on-chip memory, from a peripheral such as an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to RAM, or from one peripheral to another. Furthermore, many times this data comes in a format that is not conducive to the optimal processing powers of the CPU. The RTDMA module described in this chapter has the ability to free up CPU bandwidth and rearrange the data into a pattern for more streamlined processing in real time.
The RTDMA module is an event-based machine, meaning the RTDMA module requires a peripheral, channel, or software trigger to start a RTDMA transfer. The RTDMA module can be made into a periodic time-driven machine by configuring a timer as the RTDMA trigger source as well as utilizing the channels within the module itself to start memory transfers periodically. The RTDMA module has ten independent RTDMA channels that can be configured separately, and each channel contains their own independent Interrupt Controller interrupt to let the CPU know when a RTDMA transfer has either started or completed. All ten channels can be configured at one of four priority levels with one selected channel at a higher priority than the others. At the heart of the RTDMA is a state machine and tightly coupled address control logic. This address control logic allows for rearrangement of the block of data during the transfer as well as the process of ping-ponging data between buffers. Each of these features is discussed in detail in this chapter.