SPRUIY2 November 2024 F29H850TU , F29H859TU-Q1
The CPU Reset is the highest priority interrupt line, and occurs when the RESETn line receives an active low signal. This causes the CPU to undergo a hardware reset internally. This cannot be aborted or nested-in.
All current and pending operations in the pipeline are aborted, and the pipeline is flushed during reset.
All CPU registers are reset to the reset value (all 0) as indicated in Table 3-1.
Registers | Reset Value |
A0 through A15 | 0x0000 0000 |
D0 through D15 | 0x0000 0000 |
M0 through M31 | 0x0000 0000 |
DSTS | 0x07F8 0000 |
ESTS | 0x0000 0000 |
RPC | 0x0000 0000 |
ISTS | 0x0000 0000 |
NMI and RTINT interrupts can potentially have the respective interrupt service routines residing in a different LINK/STACK. Therefore NMI and RTINT interrupt service routines (ISRs) require that the first instruction packet of every vector address contain the (ISR1.PROT || ISR2.PROT) instructions. The CPU pipeline control hardware checks for these required instructions and generates a FAULT, if these instructions are not the first instruction packet of the ISR. These required instructions are inserted automatically by the compiler, but must be configured to do so for the appropriate vectors within a separate security settings file. See Section 3.6 for more details.
ISR1.PROT also initializes the stack pointer (A15) to the appropriate STACK by performing the following operation: A15 = SECSPn (where n is the current STACK indicated by ISTS.CURRSP).
For more details on the security implications of the LINK/STACK/ZONE and memory space for CPU interrupts, see Section 3.6.