Read accesses to the ECC control and status registers for each ECC endpoint represent read operations over the ECC serial interface and are triggered by performing the following sequence:
- Software writes the following in the ECC_VECTOR
- The ECC endpoint ID
in the ECC_VECTOR[10-0] ECC_VECTOR field to select particular ECC
- The register read
address in the ECC_VECTOR[23-16] RD_SVBUS_ADDRESS field to select
which register has to be read through the ECC serial interface.
- A value of 0x1 in the
ECC_VECTOR[15] RD_SVBUS bit to trigger read operation through the
ECC serial interface.
- Software polls the ECC_VECTOR[24] RD_SVBUS_DONE
bit to check if it is 0x1. This indicates that the read operation on the ECC
serial interface has completed.
- Software reads the data from the register
previously selected by the ECC_VECTOR[23-16] RD_SVBUS_ADDRESS field.
The following is an example for serial read operation:
- Write 0x0010
8005 to the ECC_VECTOR register. This
sends read request to the ECC_WRAP_REV register (address = 0x10) associated with ECC endpoint with ID
= 5.
- Poll the ECC_VECTOR[24] RD_SVBUS_DONE bit until
value of 0x1 is read.
- Read the ECC_WRAP_REV register to get its