SPRUJ59A April   2024  – September 2024 TMS320F28P550SG , TMS320F28P550SJ , TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Feature Differences Between F28003x and F28P55x
    1. 1.1 F28003x and F28P55x Feature Comparison
  5. 2PCB Hardware Changes
    1. 2.1 PCB Hardware Changes for the 100-Pin PZ, 80-Pin PNA and 64-Pin PM Packages
    2. 2.2 100-Pin PZ, 80-Pin PNA and 64-Pin PM Migration Between F28003x and F28P55x For New and Existing PCB
    3. 2.3 GPIO Input Buffer Control Register
  6. 3Feature Differences for System Consideration
    1. 3.1 New Features in F28P55x
      1. 3.1.1 Programmable Gain Amplifier(PGA)
      2. 3.1.2 Universal Serial Bus (USB)
      3. 3.1.3 5V Failsafe IOs
      4. 3.1.4 Flash Write Protection
      5. 3.1.5 Neural-Network Processing Unit (NPU)
    2. 3.2 Communication Module Changes
    3. 3.3 Control Module Changes
    4. 3.4 Analog Module Differences
    5. 3.5 Other Device Changes
      1. 3.5.1 PLL
      2. 3.5.2 PIE Channel Mapping
      3. 3.5.3 Bootrom
      4. 3.5.4 SW Libraries Included in the ROM
      5. 3.5.5 AGPIO
    6. 3.6 Power Management
      1. 3.6.1 LDO/VREG
      2. 3.6.2 POR/BOR
      3. 3.6.3 Power Consumption
    7. 3.7 Memory Module Changes
    8. 3.8 GPIO Multiplexing Changes
    9. 3.9 Analog Multiplexing Changes
  7. 4Application Code Migration From F28003x to F28P55x
    1. 4.1 C2000Ware Header Files
    2. 4.2 Linker Command Files
    3. 4.3 C2000Ware Examples
  8. 5Specific Use Cases Related to F28P55x New Features
    1. 5.1 PGA
    2. 5.2 USB
  9. 6EABI Support
    1. 6.1 Flash API
  10. 7References
  11. 8Revision History

100-Pin PZ, 80-Pin PNA and 64-Pin PM Migration Between F28003x and F28P55x For New and Existing PCB

For the color legend, see Figure 2-2 through Figure 2-1.

Table 2-1 100-Pin PZ, 80-Pin PNA and 64-Pin PM Migration Between F28003x and F28P55x For New and Existing PCB
Pin No Pin Name Transition TypeAction
1008064F28003xF28P55xF28003x to F28P55x
Minor Incompatibility - Signals in Common(1)
14106A6A6,D14,E14,GPIO228Analog Input to Analog Input with AGPIOUse A6
15117B2,C6B2,C6,E12,GPIO226Use B2 or C6
16--B3,VDACB3,GPIO242,PGA2_INPUse B3
-128A3,B3,C5,VDACA3,B3,C5,GPIO242,PGA2_INPAnalog Input to Analog Input with AGPIOUse A3,B3 or C5
17139A2,B6,C9A2,B6,C9,GPIO224,PGA1_INPUse A2,B6 or C9
18--A3,B9,C7A3,B9,C7,PGA1_INMUse A3,B9 or C7
-1410A15,B9,C7A15,B9,C7,PGA1_INMUse A15,B9 or C7
191511A14,B14,C4A14,B14,C4,PGA1_OUTUse A14,B14 or C4
21312A11,B10,C0A11,B10,C0,PGA2_OUTUse A11,B10 or C0
21--B12,C2B12,C2,PGA2_INMUse B12 or C2
-1713A5,B12,C2A5,B12,C2,PGA2_INMUse A5,B12 or C2
221814A1,B7,DACB_OUTA1,B7,D11,DACB_OUTUse A1,B7 or DACB_OUT
27--VREFLOAA13, B13, C13, D13, E13, VREFLOUse VREFLO
29--C1C1,E11,PGA3_INPUse C1
-2218A12,C1A12,C1,E11,PGA3_INPUse A12,C1
30--B11B11,D16,E16,PGA3_INMUse B11
-2319A7,C3A7,B30,C3,D12,E30,PGA3_INMUse A7 or C3
31--A7,C3A7,B30,C3,D12,E30Use A7 or C3
-2420A8,B0,C11A8,B0,C11,PGA3_OUTUse A8,B0 or C11
32--B5B5,D15,E15,PGA3_OUTUse B5
39-B4,C8B4,C8,GPIO227,GPIO236Use B4 or C8
38--A9A9, GPIO227Use A9
-2824A9,B4,C8A9,B3,C8,GPIO227,GPIO236Use A9,B4 or C8
402925A10,B1,C10A10,B1,C10,GPIO230Use A10,B1 or C10
41--B0,C11B0,C11,GPIO253Use B0 or C11
42--C14C14,GPIO247Use C14
48-B5,GPIO20A17,B17,C17,GPIO20Use GPIO20
4934-B11,GPIO21A18,B18,C18,GPIO21Use GPIO21
503529GPIO13A19,B19,C19,GPIO13GPIO to Analog with GPIOUse GPIO13
513630GPIO12A20,B20,C20,GPIO12Use GPIO12
523731GPIO11A24,D0,E0,GPIO11Use GPIO11
533832GPIO33B24,D1,E1,GPIO33Use GPIO33
543933GPIO16C24,D2,E2,GPIO16Use GPIO16
554034GPIO17A25,D3,E3,GPIO17Use GPIO17
564135GPIO24B25,D4,E4,GPIO24Use GPIO24
Major Incompatibility - Different Signals and Types
4631-VDDGPIO63Power to GPIOTie to VDD, disable the digital input for the GPIO on the F28P55x by setting the appropriate bit in the GPIOINENACTRL register
--27VDDA17,B17,C17,GPIO20Tie to VDD, disale the digital input for the GPIO on the F28P55x by setting the appropriate bit in the GPIOINENACTRL register
--28VDDIOA18,B18,C18,GPIO21Tie to VDDIO
-56-GPIO39VREGENZGPIO to VREG EnableExternal VREG not supported on F28003x. Tie to VSS through 0-Ohm resistor. Depopulate resistor when using F28003x and enable internal pull-up for the GPIO
(Q Variant) Major Incompatibility - Different Signals and Types
--46 GPIO39 VREGENZGPIO to VREG EnableExternal VREG not supported on F28003xQ100. Tie to VSS through 0-Ohm resistor. Depopulate resistor when using F28003x and enable internal pull-up for the GPIO
Channel to use selected in software.