SPRUJ79 November 2024 F29H850TU , F29H859TU-Q1
The SPI loader expects an SPI-compatible 16-bit or 24-bit addressable serial EEPROM or serial Flash device to be present on the SPI-A pins as shown in Figure 4-7. The SPI bootloader supports an 8-bit data stream and does not support a 16-bit data stream.
The SPI boot ROM loader initializes the SPI module to interface to a serial SPI EEPROM or Flash. Devices of this type include, but are not limited to, the Xicor X25320 (4Kx8) and Xicor X25256 (32Kx8) SPI serial SPI EEPROMs and the Atmel AT25F1024A serial Flash.
The SPI boot ROM loader initializes the SPI with the following settings: FIFO enabled, 8-bit character length, internal SPICLK controller mode and talk mode, transfer protocol : Mode 1 - rising edge with phase delay, clock phase = 1, polarity = 0 and using 2 Mbps baud rate.
If the download is to be performed from an SPI port on another device, then that device must be set up to operate in the peripheral mode and mimic a serial SPI EEPROM. Immediately after entering the SPI_Boot function, the pin functions for the SPI pins are set to primary and the SPI is initialized.