- Supports variety of sensors which support synchronous access
- Supports up to four sensors on the same bus
- Broadcast Channel can configure the sensors (no response expected from
- Up to five sensor trigger channels (Broadcast, Channel 1-4), each of which
- MTPG enable
- Software trigger
- Period value for indicating drive time for the specific waveform
- Timeout counter that triggers an interrupt when response is not received
in the configured time limit
- Nine compare registers for toggle specification and one receiver enable
compare register
- Trigger select
- 58 external triggers and 5 internal triggers
- Arbiter for selecting one of the
five trigger pulse sources (round-robin priority)
- Wait time for MTPG to start after previous response
Note: The standard SENT configuration only uses a single channel
(channel 1). Enabling the MTPG with the MTP_MODE bit in the RCFG2 register enables
support for using multiple channels.