USART: Erroneous clear/trigger of timeout interrupt
The USART may erroneously clear or
trigger the timeout interrupt when RHR/MSR/LSR registers are read.
For CPU use-case.
- If the timeout interrupt is erroneously cleared:
- This is Valid since the pending data inside the FIFO will retrigger the
timeout interrupt
- If timeout interrupt is erroneously set, and the FIFO is empty, use the
following SW workaround to clear the interrupt:
- Set a high value of timeout counter in TIMEOUTH and TIMEOUTL
- Set EFR2 bit 6 to 1 to change timeout mode to periodic
- Read the IIR register to clear the interrupt
- Set EFR2 bit 6 back to 0 to change timeout mode back to the original
For DMA use-case.
- If timeout interrupt is erroneously cleared:
- This is valid since the next periodic event will retrigger the timeout
- User must ensure that RX timeout behavior is in periodic mode by setting
EFR2 bit6 to 1
- If timeout interrupt is erroneously set:
- This will cause DMA to be torn down by the SW driver
- Valid since next incoming data will cause SW to setup DMA again