SWRA446 February   2015 CC1310 , CC1310 , CC2620 , CC2620 , CC2630 , CC2630 , CC2640 , CC2640 , CC2640R2F , CC2640R2F , CC2640R2F-Q1 , CC2640R2F-Q1 , CC2650 , CC2650 , CC2650MODA , CC2650MODA


  1.   Using GCC/GDB With SimpleLink CC26xx/CC13xx
    1.     Trademarks
    2. 1 Introduction
    3. 2 Prerequisites
      1. 2.1 Platforms
      2. 2.2 Hardware
      3. 2.3 Software
    4. 3 Hardware Setup
    5. 4 Software Installation Instructions
      1. 4.1 Java Runtime Environment
      2. 4.2 Eclipse IDE (Windows)
      3. 4.3 Eclipse IDE (Linux)
      4. 4.4 GNU Toolchain (Windows)
      5. 4.5 GNU Toolchain (Linux)
      6. 4.6 Build Tools for Windows
      7. 4.7 TI Emupack and GDB Server (Windows)
      8. 4.8 Flash Programmer (Windows)
      9. 4.9 Flash Programmer (Linux)
    6. 5 Build the Software Example
      1. 5.1 Import Example Project Into the IDE
      2. 5.2 Build the Software Example
    7. 6 Load Binary Image to Target
      1. 6.1 Configure Flash Programmer Tool (Windows)
      2. 6.2 Configure Flash Programmer Tool (Linux)
      3. 6.3 Load the Image to Target (Windows)
      4. 6.4 Load the Image to Target (Linux)
    8. 7 Debug the Software Example
      1. 7.1 Launch the GDB Server (Windows)
      2. 7.2 Launch the GDB Server (Linux)
      3. 7.3 Configure Eclipse Debugger
      4. 7.4 Running the Software Example From Debugger
    9. 8 References
  2. AMakefile
    1. A.1 Makedefs
    2. A.2 Makefile
  3. BLinker and Startup Files
    1. B.1 Linker File
    2. B.2 Startup Files

Eclipse IDE (Linux)

Follow these instructions to install Eclipse and CDT on a Linux platform.

  1. Download Eclipse from http://eclipse.org/downloads/index.php. Choose the installer for your Linux platform.
  2. Extract the download package.
  3. The Eclipse IDE can now be started by running the binary file eclipse. Make sure that Eclipse is run with administrator privileges to allow for the new installations. Eclipse will ask for a folder to use for workspace location when it is started. If Eclipse reports that it cannot find the Java Runtime Environment, open the eclipse.ini file and add the following two lines direct under the ‘openFile’ statement:
  4. -vm <path to your JRE installation>/bin/java
  5. Verify the installed versions of the package under Help → About Eclipse SDK.
  6. Verify that you use the correct version of the Java Runtime Environment. This can be checked under Window → Preferences → Java → Installed JREs.
  7. The following instructions describe how to install the CDT plugins:

  8. Navigate to Help → Install New Software (see Figure 4).
  9. eclipse_install_new_software_linux.gifFigure 4. Eclipse - Install New Software (Linux)
  10. Type http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/8.5/ (or the address of the software repository for another version of CDT) in the field called 'Work with:'.
  11. If there is a problem with finding the repository site, this might be because of incorrect proxy settings on the system. These can be configured in the Eclipse IDE under Window → Preferences → General → Network Connections.
  12. An alternative is to download the CDT manually from http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/downloads.php. Choose the archive file called cdt-x.x.x.zip. Select Add → Archive… and browse to your downloaded archive file. Name it CDT and click OK (see Figure 5).

    installing_CDT_Linux_swra446.gifFigure 5. Installing CDT (Linux)
  13. Follow step 3 in Section 4.2. These final steps for Windows and Linux are equal.