The measurements for Power Spectral
Density are performed at normal environmental conditions only. The EUT is configured to
the highest sated transmit output power level and tested on those channels and channel
bandwidths specified in the Limits on Nominal and Occupied Channel Bandwidth
table of CE
Regulations for SRDs Operating in License-Free 2.4 GHz/5 GHz Bands
[1]. The test results comply with the limits shown in the Limits on
RF Output Power and Power Density at the Highest Power Level (PH) in
Regulations for SRDs Operating in License-Free 2.4 GHz/5 GHz Bands
[1] and are recorded in the test report. The test procedure for Power
Spectral Density measurement is described in the following steps:
- Connect the EUT as shown in Figure 2-1.
- Use Spectrum Analyzer as test
- For detailed test procedure for
detailed test procedure, see clause of EN 301 893 [4].
- Switch ON the EUT and other test
- Set the Spectrum Analyzer to the
following settings:
- Center Frequency: The center
frequency of the channel under test
- Reference Level: 30dBm
- RBW: 1 MHz
- VBW: 3 MHz
- Frequency Span: >
2*Nominal Bandwidth (for example, 40 MHz for a 20 MHz channel)
- Sweep Time: Auto
- Detector: Peak
- Trace Mode: Max Hold
- Use the Radio Testing Tool [9] to setup and configure the EUT. For setting and up configuring
the EUT, see the Radio Testing Tool User's Guide [10].
- Open the Radio Testing Tool [9] and setup the link with the EUT by using the Setup tab.
- Open the Tx tab and set the
transmission mode to “Continuous”.
- Configure the EUT to the desired
parameters such as Channel/Frequency, Data Rate, Data Pattern, Power Level, and so
- Click on “ Start Tx Testing”.
- Observe the Tx signal on the spectrum
analyzer. When the trace is complete, find the peak power by using peak marker
function. Record the frequency of the peak marker.
- Modify the settings of the Spectrum
Analyzer to the following settings:
- Center Frequency: Equal to
the center frequency of the marker (from the above step)
- Frequency Span: 3 MHz
- Reference Level: 30dBm
- RBW: 1 MHz
- VBW: 3 MHz
- Sweep Time: 1 Minute
- Detector: RMS
- Trace Mode: Max Hold
- Observe the Tx signal on the spectrum
analyzer. When the trace is complete, find the peak power by using peak marker
function. Record the highest power value (D in dBm / MHz).
- Add the antenna gain (G in dBi) and
an additional beamforming gain (Y in dB, if applicable).
- The resultant Power Spectral Density
(PSD) in e.i.r.p. equal to (D+G+Y) from the above steps. Record this value.
- Repeat the above for other data
rates/modulations and also other desired channels.
- The Power Spectral Density (PSD) in
e.i.r.p. complies with the limits shown in the limits shown in the Limits on RF
Output Power and Power Density at the Highest Power Level (PH)
table in CE Regulations for SRDs Operating in License-Free 2.4 GHz/5
GHz Bands for all the above test cases.