SWRA681 September 2020 CC3100 , CC3100MOD , CC3120 , CC3120MOD , CC3135 , CC3135MOD , CC3200 , CC3200MOD , CC3220MOD , CC3220MODA , CC3220R , CC3220S , CC3220SF , CC3235MODAS , CC3235MODASF , CC3235MODS , CC3235MODSF , CC3235S , CC3235SF
The product information is provided by the manufacturer in order to carry out the compliance tests by the test/certification lab. The application form in Annex-G of the EN 301 893 [4] can be used to provide the product information to the certification lab for 5 GHz band equipment. The application forms duly filled by the manufacturer are an integral part of the test report.
For product information related to a specific Wi-Fi device from TI as per Annex-G of the EN 301 893, see [4] and [15].