SWRU455M February 2017 – October 2020 CC3120 , CC3120MOD , CC3130 , CC3135 , CC3135MOD , CC3220MOD , CC3220MODA , CC3220R , CC3220S , CC3220SF , CC3230S , CC3230SF , CC3235MODAS , CC3235MODASF , CC3235MODS , CC3235MODSF , CC3235S , CC3235SF
Errors are indicated by the return value of the API or by an asynchronous event. Asynchronous events can be sent to the host at any time with a specific error indication, and may also include specific data for each event. To listen to these events and conclude the needed information, a handler should be implemented in the user application, and registered under the user.h header file. Each error code is unique. The following errors are common and require user action (a full possible error list is under the file error.h in the host driver):
Table 4-5 lists common errors indicated by asynchronous events.
Error | Handler | Comments |
SL_DEVICE_EVENT_ERROR | slcb_DeviceGeneralEvtHdlr | General error |
SL_DEVICE_EVENT_FATAL_DEVICE_ABORT | slcb_DeviceFatalErrorEvtHdlr | Notifies fatal error. The SimpleLink device is asserted. User must perform device restart (call sl_Stop followed by sl_Start). |
SL_DEVICE_EVENT_FATAL_DRIVER_ABORT | slcb_DeviceFatalErrorEvtHdlr | Notifies fatal error. The host driver is asserted. User must perform device reset. |
SL_DEVICE_EVENT_FATAL_NO_CMD_ACK | slcb_DeviceFatalErrorEvtHdlr | Notifies fatal error. The host driver did not receive the ACK command from the device. User must perform device restart (call sl_Stop followed by sl_Start). |
SL_DEVICE_EVENT_FATAL_SYNC_LOSS | slcb_DeviceFatalErrorEvtHdlr | Notifies fatal error. The host driver and SimpleLink device are out of sync. User must perform device restart (call sl_Stop followed by sl_Start). |
SL_DEVICE_EVENT_FATAL_CMD_TIMEOUT | slcb_DeviceFatalErrorEvtHdlr | Notifies fatal error. The command time-out has expired. User must perform device restart (call sl_Stop followed by sl_Start). |
Table 4-6 lists common errors statuses.
Error | Value | Comments |
SL_ERROR_ROLE_STA_ERR | –4107 | Initialization failure in the specified mode (sl_Start). |
SL_ERROR_ROLE_AP_ERR | –4108 | |
SL_ERROR_ROLE_P2P_ERR | –4108 | |
SL_ERROR_CALIB_FAIL | –4110 | Calibrations failed. |
SL_ERROR_FS_CORRUPTED_ERR | –4111 | File system is corrupted, restore to factory image or program new image should be invoked (see sl_FsCtl, sl_FsProgram). |
SL_ERROR_FS_ALERT_ERR | –4112 | Initialization failure due to exceeded number of security alerts (sl_Start); device is locked, restore to factory image or program new image should be invoked (see sl_FsCtl, sl_FsProgram). |
SL_ERROR_RET_TO_IMAGE_COMLETE | –4113 | Restore to factory image completed, perform reset. |
SL_ERROR_INCOMPLETE_PROGRAMMING | –4117 | Error during programming. Program new image should be invoked (see sl_FsProgram). |
SL_ERROR_DEVICE_LOCKED_SECURITY_ALLERT | –28674 | Number of security alerts exceeded or system file integrity error; device is locked. |