The socket layer of the SimpleLink device supports the following socket types:
- UDP sockets provide users a basic transport service, with no guarantee of delivery and packet ordering. UDP also allows more than two hosts to exchange data through a multicast group.
- TCP sockets enable two hosts to establish a connection and exchange streams of data with a guarantee of delivery and packet ordering.
- RAW sockets provide users access to the underlying communication protocols with socket abstractions. RAW sockets are datagram oriented (packet boundary). The SimpleLink device allows RAW sockets access to be created at the following layers:
- Layer 1: Physical (available only if the device is not connected to a wireless network).
- Layer 2: Data Link (MAC)
- Layer 3: Network
- Layer 4: Transport
- Secure sockets provide users the ability to establish encrypted data transport (SSL and TLS). For more information, see Section 8.