SWRU455M February 2017 – October 2020 CC3120 , CC3120MOD , CC3130 , CC3135 , CC3135MOD , CC3220MOD , CC3220MODA , CC3220R , CC3220S , CC3220SF , CC3230S , CC3230SF , CC3235MODAS , CC3235MODASF , CC3235MODS , CC3235MODSF , CC3235S , CC3235SF
Table 22-1 provides a brief description of the different host APIs.
Module | API | Description |
Device | sl_Start | CC31xx: Start the SimpleLink device by initializing the communication interface, setting the enable pin, allocating resources and calling the init complete callback if provided.
CC32xx: Start the networking subsystem, initialize the internal communication interface, allocate resources and call the init complete callback if provided. |
sl_Stop | CC31xx: Stop the SimpleLink device by clearing the enable pin of the device, closing the communication and releasing all resources allocated by the driver.
CC32xx: Stop the networking subsystem, close the internal communication interface and release all resources allocated by the driver. | |
sl_Task | The SimpleLink task entry function. This function must be called from the main loop in non-OS platform or otherwise from dedicated thread if the internal spawn is used. | |
sl_DeviceGet | Retrieves device configurations and status. | |
sl_DeviceSet | Sets device configurations and status. | |
sl_DeviceEventMaskGet | Retrieves the current asynchronous events bit mask of the device. | |
sl_DeviceEventMaskSet | Sets the asynchronous event bit mask of the device. Masked events do not generate asynchronous messages to the host. By default all events are active. | |
sl_DeviceUartSetMode | Relevant for CC31xx only when the UART host interface is used. Used to change the baud rate of the UART after the device was started. | |
sl_RegisterEventHandler | This API enables registration of the SimpleLink host driver in runtime. | |
sl_DeviceStatStart | Start collecting device statistics (including RX statistics) for an unlimited time. Must be followed with a call to sl_DeviceStatGet. This API is part of the device statistics APIs. | |
sl_DeviceStatGet | Retrieves device statistics (could be also RX statistics with the right flag). This API is part of the device statistics APIs. | |
sl_DeviceStatStop | Stops collecting device statistics. This API is part of the device statistics APIs. | |
Wlan | sl_WlanConnect | Initiates a connection to Wi-Fi network. |
sl_WlanDisconnect | Initiates a disconnection from the current connected Wi-Fi network. If the Auto connection policy is active, a new connection is initiated immediately. | |
sl_WlanProfileAdd | Adds a preferred network profile. | |
sl_WlanProfileGet | Retrieves the nonconfidential data of existing preferred network profile. | |
sl_WlanProfileDel | Deletes a preferred network profile. | |
sl_WlanProfileUpdate (CC313x and CC323x only) | Updates one or more parameters of existing profile: SSID, BSSID, priority, security parameters. | |
sl_WlanSet | Sets Wlan configurations. | |
sl_WlanGet | Retrieves Wlan configurations. | |
sl_WlanPolicySet | Sets Wlan policy configurations. | |
sl_WlanPolicyGet | Retrieves Wlan policy configurations. | |
sl_WlanGetNetworkList | Gets the latest Wlan scan results. | |
sl_WlanGetExtNetworkList (CC313x and CC323x only) | Gets the latest Wlan scan results with extended information (for example, Country info). | |
sl_WlanRxStatStart | Starts collecting wlan RX statistics in promiscuous mode. Must be followed with a call to sl_WlanRxStatGet. | |
sl_WlanRxStatStop | Stops collecting wlan RX statistics. | |
sl_WlanRxStatGet | Retrieves Wlan RX statistics. Upon calling this function, the statistics are cleared and collected from beginning. Call sl_WlanRxStatStart first for promiscuous mode. For connected mode, call this API only. | |
sl_WlanSetMode | Sets the Wlan mode. | |
sl_WlanProvisioning | Starts the provisioning process. | |
sl_WlanRxFilterAdd | Adds a new receive filter rule to the system. | |
Socket | sl_Socket | Creates an endpoint for communication. |
sl_Listen | Listens for connections on a socket. | |
sl_Accept | Accepts a connection on a socket. | |
sl_Bind | Assigns an address to a socket. | |
sl_Close | Closes an endpoint socket. If the socket is connected, it gracefully closes the socket. | |
sl_Connect | Initiates a connection on a socket. | |
sl_Select | Monitors set of sockets activities. | |
sl_Send | Writes a data buffer to a socket. Used especially in stream sockets. | |
sl_SendTo | Writes a data buffer to a socket. Used especially in datagram sockets. | |
sl_Recv | Reads a data buffer from a socket. Used especially in stream sockets. | |
sl_RecvFrom | Reads a data buffer from a socket. Used especially in datagram sockets. | |
sl_GetSockOpt | Retrieves a socket options. | |
sl_SetSockOpt | Sets a socket options. | |
sl_StartTLS | Initiate TLS connection on a socket. | |
NetApp | sl_NetAppStart | Starts network applications (bitmask). |
sl_NetAppStop | Stops network applications (bitmask). | |
sl_NetAppDnsGetHostByName | Retrieves the IP address of a host on the network. | |
sl_NetAppDnsGetHostByService | Retrieves service attributes like IP address, port and text according to service name. | |
sl_NetAppGetServiceList | Retrieves the cached services of the peer. | |
sl_NetAppMDNSUnRegisterService | Unregisters mDNS service. | |
sl_NetAppMDNSRegisterService | Registers a new mDNS service. | |
sl_NetAppPing | Sends Ping request (ICMP ECHO REQUEST) to a host on the network. | |
sl_NetAppSet | Sets configuration for a network application. | |
sl_NetAppGet | Retrieves configuration for a network application. | |
sl_NetAppSend | Sending Netapp response or data following a Netapp request event. | |
sl_NetAppRecv | Retrieving data from the network processor following a Netapp request event. | |
NetCfg | sl_NetCfgSet | Sets the network configuration of the device. |
sl_NetCfgGet | Retrieves the network configuration of the device. | |
NetUtil | sl_NetUtilSet | Sets configurations of a network utility. |
sl_NetUtilGet | Retrieves configurations of a network utility. | |
sl_NetUtilCmd | Activates a network utility-related command. | |
FS | sl_FsOpen | Opens a file for read or write. |
sl_FsClose | Closes a file. | |
sl_FsRead | Reads a block of data from a file. | |
sl_FsWrite | Writes a block of data to a file. | |
sl_FsGetInfo | Retrieves information of a file. | |
sl_FsDel | Deletes specific file from the file system. | |
sl_FsCtl | Controls various file system operations. | |
sl_FsProgram | Enables to format and configure the device with prepared configuration. | |
sl_FsGetFileList | Retrieves the list of stored files and their basic attributes. |