SWRU473A February 2017 – August 2018 CC3120MOD , CC3220MOD , CC3220MODA , CC3220R , CC3220S , CC3220SF
To execute in debug mode, the device must first be opened in development mode.
To have all OOB content, such as the service pack, web pages, and other system and configuration files, an UniFlash project is required so they can be programmed into the device. The UniFlash projects are available under the following locations, according to the connected CC3220 flavor.
<SDK install dir>\examples\rtos\CC3220S_LAUNCHXL\demos\out_of_box\uniflash\OOB_RS_tirtos.zip
<SDK install dir>\examples\rtos\CC3220S_LAUNCHXL\demos\out_of_box\uniflash\OOB_RS_freertos.zip
<SDK install dir>\examples\rtos\CC3220SF_LAUNCHXL\demos\out_of_box\uniflash\OOB_SF_tirtos.zip
<SDK install dir>\examples\rtos\CC3220SF_LAUNCHXL\demos\out_of_box\uniflash\OOB_SF_freertos.zip
Follow these instructions to program the image into the device:
<SDK install dir>\examples\rtos\CC3220S_LAUNCHXL\demos\out_of_box\uniflash\OOB_RS_tirtos.zip
<SDK install dir>\examples\rtos\CC3220S_LAUNCHXL\demos\out_of_box\uniflash\OOB_RS_freertos.zip
<SDK install dir>\examples\rtos\CC3220SF_LAUNCHXL\demos\out_of_box\uniflash\OOB_SF_tirtos.zip
<SDK install dir>\examples\rtos\CC3220SF_LAUNCHXL\demos\out_of_box\uniflash\OOB_SF_freertos.zip
It is good practice if mcuimg.bin for the CC3220S device or mcuflashimg.bin for the CC3220SF device is deleted from the project (a backup resides in the original zipped project). This step ensures that the programmed application binary is not executed and that the code downloaded through CCS is executed (see Figure 40).