Rated nominal and maximum input voltage at 800-V and 1000-V DC, maximum power 10-kW, 10-kVA
at 400-V AC L-L, 50 or 60 Hz
Compact output LCL filter with switching frequency of 50 kHz
< 2% output current Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) at full load
Isolated driver UCC21710 with reinforced isolation for driving high-voltage SiC MOSFET and UCC5320S for driving middle SiC MOSFET
Isolated current sensing using AMC1301 for load current control and monitoring
TMS320F28379D and TMS320F280039C control cards for digital control with Trigonometric Math Unit (TMU) to accelerate Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) computation, comparator sub-system for protection implementation and Control Law Accelerator (CLA) to offload the control loops to the co-processor.