TIDUES0E June 2019 – April 2024 TMS320F28P550SG , TMS320F28P550SJ , TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1
The power loss in the gate driver circuit includes the losses in the UCC21530 and losses in the peripheral circuitry like the gate resistors. The power losses consist of the static power loss, which includes quiescent power loss on the driver as well as driver self-power consumption when operating with a certain switching frequency. Values of the quiescent current flowing into the Vcc pin (IVCCQ) and VDD pin (IVDDQ) are extracted from the data sheet.
By substituting the values from the data sheet in Equation 29, the result is PQ losses of the gate driver around 70 mW. The other component of gate driver loss is the switching operation loss. Which result in a total of 560 mW for eight gate drivers.
By substituting the value of VDD = 15 V, VEE = –4 V, FSW = 100 kHz, QG = 53 nC in Equation 32, the switching loss comes to 0.2 W per FET on primary.. The gate charge for C3M0075120K (primary side MOSFET) is extracted from the data sheet. Similarly, for the secondary side, the switching losses are calculated to be approximately 0.33 W. Gate charge, QG, for the C3M0030090K MOSFET is 87 nC and is obtained from the data sheet. Also during turn on and turn off of the MOSFETs, losses occur in the gate resistors. The turn on and turn off gate resistors are 2 Ω . These resistors are chosen to dampen out the oscillations at the gate. The gate driver IC can sink and source 10-A peak current during the switching process. Taking an average value of this current pulse over a switching cycle, the turn on and turn off losses occurring in the gate resistors is given by Equation 31.
This value comes to 18 mW for each switch on primary side and 30 mW per switch on secondary side, summing up to 192 mW in total. Thus, the total losses occurring in all gate drivers is approximately 3 W.