Compile the project by selecting Lab 1: Open Loop PWM in the drop-down menu of Project Options from PowerSUITE GUI. This lab is intended to validate the PWM outputs and can be checked directly using the TIDA-010054 hardware (HW) or using the F2804X control card with a docking station.
Run the project by clicking the green run button in CCS.
Populate the required variables in the watch window by loading JavaScript® setupdebugenv_lab1.js
in the scripting console.
- After running the script, the watch window is populated with the variables in Figure 4-13.
- Enable Continuous refresh on the top right of the expression window.
- Enable PWM by writing “1” to the
variable. (This variable resets to zero post writing and the normal.)
- Pass criteria for Lab1
Connect probes on PWM1A (Q1), PWM1B (Q2), PWM3A(Q5), and PWM3B (Q6).
1A and 1B are a complimentary pair, 3A is in sync with 1A with the specified phase shift, and the phase shift is controlled by the variable, DAB_pwmPhaseShiftPrimSecRef_pu.
Check the following:
- Frequency is 100 kHz
- Now change the phase shift to 0.05 → 500 ns, to see more observable phase shift.
- Verify on the
oscilloscope, that the phase shift matches the specified value. To
verify high-resolution operation select values which do not align with
the system-clock, which means are not divisible by 10 ns. In Figure 4-16 and
Figure 4-17, the
phase shift is measured using the oscilloscope to be approximately 500
ns for 500-ns setpoint and approximately 502 ns for a 502-ns setpoint, a
small jitter of approximately 1–2 ns can be the measurement error.
shift is not recommended to be operated beyond 0.45 pu.
- Change the PWM probes to PWM1A, PWM1B, PWM2A, and PWM2B.
- Verify PWM1A and 2B are in sync and in phase
- Verify PWM1B and 2A are in sync and in phase
- Verify that they remain in sync and in phase as the phase shift for the secondary side PWM is changed.