TIDUES0E June 2019 – April 2024 TMS320F28P550SG , TMS320F28P550SJ , TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1
As explained in Section 2.3.2 the zero voltage switching is dependent on the inductor current IL. To enable a ZVS transition between interval one and interval two, IL needs to be positive when Q5 and Q8 is turned on. The current at this point is defined as i1 (see Equation 9). For ZVS transition between interval two and three, IL needs to be positive as well. This current point is defined as i2 (see Equation 10). For ZVS transition between interval three and interval four and interval four and interval one, IL needs to be negative. Since the current waveform is symmetric, the currents at these points are equal to –i1 and –i2.
Neglecting output capacitance of the MOSFETs, the ZVS range can derived by setting equations Equation 9 and Equation 10 to zero and solving for φ. This gives the minimum required phase shift for ZVS depending on input and output voltage ratio d. This leads to Equation 11 and Equation 12.
The red line in Figure 2-16 shows the maximum possible output power Pout,max for a certain voltage ratio. For light loads (output power below ZVS boundary plotted in black) and a voltage ratio d < 1, the secondary side experiences hard switching, while for d > 1 and low load the primary side experiences hard switching. For voltage ratios d close to one ZVS can be achieved down to very low loads. The ZVS range can be increased by applying different control schemes like extended-, dual- or triple-phase shift control.
Extended-phase shift control is implemented and available in software. For detailed information see Section 6.