Run the code by going to Run → Resume or clicking the Resume button in the tool bar. Check the following:
- systemVars.flagEnableSystem needs to be set to 1 after a fixed time,
meaning the offset calibration has been done. The fault flags,
motorVars_M1.faultMtrUse.all, should be equal to 0. Set the variable
motorVars_M1.flagEnableRunAndIdentify to 1.
- The motor will run with v/f open loop. Tune the v/f profile parameters in
user_mtr1.h as below according to the specification of the motor if
the motor doesn't spin
#define USER_MOTOR1_FREQ_LOW_Hz (10.0f) // Hz
#define USER_MOTOR1_FREQ_HIGH_Hz (200.0f) // Hz
#define USER_MOTOR1_VOLT_MIN_V (10.0f) // Volt
#define USER_MOTOR1_VOLT_MAX_V (200.0f) // Volt
After that, the motor spins
with a setting speed in the variable motorVars_M1.speedRef_Hz, check the
value of motorVars_M1.speed_Hz in Expressions window, the values of these
two variables should be very close as shown in Figure 3-10.
- Use the DATALOG module with the CCS Graph utility to check the current
sensing signals. Go to Tools → Graph → Dual Time to launch
the tool and use the Import button to navigate to the file <SDK
Click OK and the graphed current readings should be displayed as shown in
Figure 3-11. The code below shows how the variables to be logged are configured in
sys_main.h. For more details about about the DATALOG module, see the
Motor Control SDK Universal Project and Lab User's
// set datalog parameters
datalogObj->iptr[0] = &motorVars_M1.adcData.I_A.value[0];
datalogObj->iptr[1] = &motorVars_M1.adcData.I_A.value[1];
- Verify the over current fault protection by decreasing the value of the variable
motorVars_M1.overCurrent_A, the over current protection is
implemented by the CMPSS modules. The over current fault will be triggered if
the motorVars_M1.overCurrent_A is set to a value less than the motor
phase current actual value. When the fault occurs the PWM output will be
disabled, the motorVars_M1.flagEnableRunAndIdentify will be cleared to 0,
and the motorVars_M1.faultMtrUse.all will be set to 0x10 (16) as shown in
Figure 3-10.
- Set the variable motorVars_M1.flagEnableRunAndIdentify to 0 to stop the
motor. Terminate the debug session and power off the power supply to the
inverter board.
The Graph tool can be used to display the DATALOG buffers.
The over current fault will trip the PWM output and also be reflected in the fault flag