TIDUF82A August 2024 – November 2024 DRV8162 , INA241A , ISOM8710
Thermal analysis of the design was performed at a 28°C lab temperature with a 48V VIN and 16kHz PWM. A low-voltage PMSM motor was driven with sinusoidal phase currents at a load current of 26.2Arms, (37.0A peak). This test did not use a heat sink or fan. Figure 3-29 shows the thermal picture of the board.
This measurement shows that at 26.2Arms, the MOSFETs have a temperature rise of 45.5°C. Consider keeping the junction temperature of the MOSFET at less than 125ºC, the current design can work up to 79.5ºC ambient at 26.2Arms without a heat sink. It is possible that a heat sink and cooling fan are needed for higher current or higher ambient temperature conditions.