SCPA075 October 2024 TPLD1201 , TPLD1201-Q1 , TPLD1202 , TPLD1202-Q1 , TPLD801 , TPLD801-Q1
TI Programmable Logic Devices (TPLD) can be used to drive indicator light-emitting diodes (LED), and can be programmed to provide simple or complex LED control in a single package. The application pictured in Figure 1 uses the internal oscillator, counter, and DFF modules included in the TPLD1201 to drive an LED. The counter and DFF divide down the oscillator frequency so that the LED blinks at a frequency detectable by the human eye.
The 25kHz oscillator is given a pre-division of 8, outputting a 3125Hz square wave. The counter module CLK input is sourced from the 25kHz oscillator output further divided by 4, such that the input CLK frequency to the counter becomes 781.25Hz. The counter data is set to 255 (meaning the counter outputs a pulse after 255 rising edges are provided on the CLK input), causing the counter to output a pulse at a frequency of 3Hz. This 3Hz pulse output is fed into a (DFF) with the inverted output option enabled, allowing the DFF to further divide the frequency by half. This 1.5Hz output pulse is then connected to a pin configured to be a push-pull digital output with 2 × drive strength. This pin can be used to drive an LED with a maximum drive strength of 17mA without damaging the device.
Red | Orange | Yellow | Green | Blue | White |
1.8V | 2.0V | 2.2V | 3.5V | 3.6V | 4.0V |
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