The TPLD801 is part of the TI programmable logic device (TPLD) family of devices that feature versatile programmable logic ICs with combinational logic, sequential logic, and analog blocks. TPLD provides a fully integrated, low power solution to implement common system functions, such as timing delays, voltage monitors, system resets, power sequencers, I/O expanders, and more. This device features configurable I/O structures that extends compatibility within mixed-signal environments, reducing the number of discrete components required.
System designers can create circuits and configure the macro-cells, I/O pins, and interconnections by temporarily emulating the non-volatile memory or by permanently programming the one-time programmable (OTP) through InterConnect Studio. The TPLD801 is supported by hardware and software ecosystem with application notes, reference designs and design examples. Visit for more information and access to design tools.
The TPLD801 is part of the TI programmable logic device (TPLD) family of devices that feature versatile programmable logic ICs with combinational logic, sequential logic, and analog blocks. TPLD provides a fully integrated, low power solution to implement common system functions, such as timing delays, voltage monitors, system resets, power sequencers, I/O expanders, and more. This device features configurable I/O structures that extends compatibility within mixed-signal environments, reducing the number of discrete components required.
System designers can create circuits and configure the macro-cells, I/O pins, and interconnections by temporarily emulating the non-volatile memory or by permanently programming the one-time programmable (OTP) through InterConnect Studio. The TPLD801 is supported by hardware and software ecosystem with application notes, reference designs and design examples. Visit for more information and access to design tools.