Changes from Revision * (August 2021) to Revision A (January 2022)
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The MCF8316A provides three half-H-bridge integrated MOSFET drivers with sensorless FOC control to drive a three-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motor at 12-V/24-V DC rails or battery powered applications. The device integrates three current-sense amplifiers (CSA) with integrated current sense for sensing the three phase currents of BLDC motors to achieve optimum FOC control. Simplified schematic of MCF8316A is shown in Figure 2-1.
This tuning guide provides the steps to tune a 3-phase BLDC motor using the MCF8316A. The tuning process is classified into two sections: Essential controls and Basic controls. This process is also detailed in the Guided tuning section in the GUI.
Essential controls: Tuning steps to successfully spin the motor in closed loop.
Basic controls: Tuning steps to conform to use-case and explore features in the device.
Below are the items that are required to run through this tuning guide.
MCx8316AEVM Board.
A computer with the MCF8316A_GUI installed.
A motor to be tuned using this process. It will be good to have motor datasheet but it is not mandatory.
A DC Power Supply rated for the motor.
Basic lab equipment such as a Digital Multimeter (DMM), Oscilloscope, current probe and voltage probes.