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The LMH9135 evaluation module (EVM) is used to evaluate the LMH9135 device, which is a differential input to single-ended output RF gain block amplifier available in a 2-mm × 2-mm2, 12-pin RRL package. The device is well-suited to support requirements for the next generation 5G m-MIMO active antenna system (AAS) while interfacing with the output of transceiver. The EVM is designed to quickly demonstrate the functionality and performance of the LMH9135 device in the 3.3-GHz to 4.2-GHz transmit frequency band with 900 MHz of 1-dB bandwidth.
By default, the board is set up for 100-Ω differential input matching and 50-Ω single-ended output matching for easy interface with 50-Ω test equipment. The EVM is ready to connect to a +3.3-V power supply, signal source, and test instruments through the use of onboard connectors.