Many applications require storing small quantities of system related data (calibration values, device configuration) in non-volatile memory so that it can be used or modified and reused even after power cycling the system. Electrically erasable programmable read-only memory, or EEPROM, is primarily used for this purpose. EEPROMs have the ability to erase and write individual bytes of memory many times over and the programmed locations retain the data over a long period even when the system is powered down. This application note and the associated code help to define a sector(s) of on-chip Flash memory as the emulated EEPROM and is transparently used by the application program for writing, reading, and modifying the data.
Project collateral and source code discussed in this application note can be found in F29H85x SDK (or higher) at the following path: C:\ti\f29h85x-sdk_1_00_00_00\examples\driverlib\single_core\flash.