The data logger and trace (DLT) peripheral is a key element for non-intrusive data logging with tracing support in application code. This peripheral can be leveraged for both industrial and automotive applications. C29x real-time microcontrollers offer a non-intrusive way to data log critical CPU run time content and provide trace capabilities without additional CPU overhead. This application note focuses on an application use-case described within the introduction, demonstrating each of the features of the DLT along with how to use the SysConfig system configuration tool to set-up and program the DLT. There is additional material on how to setup the DLT visualization tool needed to interpret the data logging and trace contents without the use of external hardware. SysConfig is a tool that exists integrated in Code Composer Studio or as a stand alone program that allows users to generate C header and code files using a graphical user interface (GUI). This application note was done using the F29H859TU8ZEXQL device. However, the content in this application note is applicable to all devices with the DLT peripheral.