TAS6421-Q1 device is a mono-channel digital-input Class-D Burr-Brown™ audio amplifier that implements a 2.1 MHz PWM switching frequency enabling a cost-optimized solution for a very small PCB size, full operation down to 4.5 V for start/stop events, and exceptional sound quality with up to 40 kHz audio bandwidth. TAS6421-Q1 is footprint and pin-compatible with TAS642x-Q1 family devices to allow for the flexibility to easily support multiple system configurations with minimal redesign effort.
The output switching frequency can be set either above the AM band, which eliminates AM-band interferences and reduces output filtering and cost, or below the AM band to optimize efficiency. The device has a built-in load diagnostic function for detecting and diagnosing misconnected outputs as well as detection of AC-coupled tweeters.
TAS6421-Q1 provides one channel at 27 W into 4 Ω at 10% THD+N, 45 W into 2 Ω at 10% THD+N from a 14.4 V supply or 75 W into 4 Ω at 10% THD+N from a 25 V supply.
For pin compatible two- and four-channel devices see the TAS6422-Q1, TAS6424L-Q1, TAS6424M-Q1 and TAS6424-Q1.
TAS6421-Q1 | HSSOP (56) | 18.41 mm × 7.49 mm |
Changes from * Revision (April 2019) to A Revision