The TMUX1511 is a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) switch. The TMUX1511 offers 1:1 SPST switch configuration with 4 independently controlled channels. Wide operating supply of 1.5 V to 5.5 V allows for use in a broad array of applications from servers and communication equipment to industrial applications. The device supports bidirectional analog and digital signals on the source (Sx) and drain (Dx) pins and can pass signals above supply up to VDD x 2, with a maximum input/output voltage of 5.5 V.
up to 3.6 V on the signal path of the TMUX1511 provides isolation when the supply voltage is removed (VDD = 0 V). Without this protection feature, switches can back-power the supply rail through an internal ESD diode and cause potential damage to the system.
Fail-Safe Logic circuitry allows voltages on the logic control pins to be applied before the supply pin, protecting the device from potential damage. All logic control inputs have 1.8 V logic compatible thresholds, ensuring both TTL and CMOS logic compatibility when operating in the valid supply voltage range.
TMUX1511 | TSSOP (14) | 5.00 mm × 4.40 mm |
QFN (16) | 2.60 mm x 1.80 mm |