The TPS92561 device is a boost controller for LED lighting applications utilizing high-voltage, low-current LEDs. A boost converter approach to lighting applications allows the creation of the smallest volume converter possible and enables high efficiencies beyond 90%. The device incorporates a current sense comparator with a fixed offset enabling a simple hysteretic control scheme free of the loop compensation issues typically associated with a boost converter. The integrated OVP and VCC regulator further simplify the design procedure and reduce external component count.
TPS92561 | HVSSOP (8) | 3.00 mm × 3.00 mm |
Changes from B Revision (January 2014) to C Revision
Changes from A Revision (December 2013) to B Revision
Changes from * Revision (December 2013) to A Revision
NAME | NO. | ||
GATE | 1 | O | Gate driver output pin. Connect to the gate terminal of the low-side N-channel power FET. For off-line applications, use a gate resistance of ≥ 75 Ω. |
SRC | 2 | I | Gate driver return. Connect to the source terminal of the low-side, N-channel power FET. By connecting SRC to the FET source, switching current spikes are not passed through the sense resistor. |
VCC | 3 | O | Gate driver power rail. Connect a 0.47-µF minimum decoupling capacitor from this pin to SRC pin. |
SEN | 4 | I | LED current sense pin. Current sense input. For off-line applications, connect to SEN and the current sensing resistor through an R-C filter with a time constant similar to the converter switching frequency. |
GND | 5 | — | Ground. Connect to the system ground plane. |
ADJ | 6 | I | LED current adjust pin. Converter reference. Can be connected to the converter rectified AC for high power factor, or to the LED output voltage for improved line regulation. |
OVP | 7 | I | Overvoltage. Connect to resistor divider from VOUT (LED+) to detect overvoltage. |
VP | 8 | I | Power supply of the integrated circuit (IC). Connect to an appropriate voltage source to provide power for the IC. (VP ≤ 42 V) See Example Circuits for example diagrams. |
PowerPAD | — | — | Solder to printed circuit board (PCB) with or without thermal vias to enhance thermal performance. Although it can be left floating, TI recommends to connect the PowerPAD™ to GND. |