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Quality resources FAQs

Quality resources FAQs

Find answers to general questions about standard terms and conditions of sale, return and refunds information, package drawing and marking.

What are TI’s standard terms and conditions for sale?

Please see TI’s terms and conditions for sale.

How do I look up top side marking for my device?

Please use TI part mark look up tool to search for device specific markings.

Is there information on returns and refunds?

All customer returns are treated seriously at TI. Customers are encouraged to contact TI directly to determine the appropriate course of action in initiating returns or launching some type of product investigation. For customers who wish to return parts to TI, there is an established method for initiating and processing returns via TI's Customer Return Material process. For information on how to process returns, please contact your customer service or sales representative, or a TI authorized distributor. Once returns are received at TI, they undergo appropriate testing and analysis to confirm customer concerns.  For more information, visit our customer returns page.

Where do I find mechanical package drawings?

Please visit the packaging information page or refer to the device’s specific datasheet for device mechanical package drawings.

What is TI’s financial performance?

Please visit TI’s investor relations page for TI financial information.

Where is TI’s corporate citizenship information?

TI Citizenship is our commitment to be accountable for our social, environmental and economic impact around the world. For full details, please view our Corporate Citizenship Report.

What is the size of TI (number of employees; number and location of production sites)?

For information on TI’s size and other facts, please visit the About TI section of our website.